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Since 2021 we have been developing Mary & Mietek, first scratched back in 2019, expanded in 2021 and debuted in 2022. Now we're taking that award winning production to the Reykjavic Fringe Festival 2023.

Check out our preparations for last year's run at The Space Theatre by clicking below.

Take a look at some of our feedback/reviews from our productions below.


MARY & MIETEK at The Hen & Chickens Theatre 25-27 August/Camden Fringe

Reviewed by Lucy Basa - 29th August 2021

‘A thoughtful, visually striking, exploration of love beyond borders’ ★★★★ 1/2

WWII was one of the most catastrophic world changing events of the past century with the Coronavirus pandemic the world’s most significant event post 1945. Drawing on both our current era and WWII, Katla Theatre and Burning Pages Theatre present ‘Mary and Mietek’, an intergenerational look at the power of love during pivotal historical moments.


Inspired by the real love letters of Mary and Mietek Sloboda, the production explores both eponymous character’s love story - Mary of English heritage and Mietek of Polish origin, split apart by the devastating impact of the war - their story playing alongside Alma and Ben’s, a narrative based in modern day Britain, at an intense point within their relationship as Alma is set to depart back to her home country, post Brexit. 


‘Mary and Mietek’ boldly examines the complexity of their situations at hand, both couples under immense pressure amid the societal issues happening around them, both just trying to do what is right. Maria Laumark - Alma/Mary and Louis Crazat - Ben/Mietek are an endearing duo, multi-rolling between the two couples effortlessly, both able to articulate the parallels between both couples beautifully.


The show’s epistolary convention is a great way of encapsulating values and traditions of the past. Ben lovingly reads the letters of his grandparents Mary and Mietek as they then both take on those roles throughout, taking us back to the 20th century. Amy Rushent, Charles Sloboda-Bolton, Laumark and Ruth Newbery-Payton produce a visually striking show. The light bulbs hanging up above, are a beautiful source of light adding to the show’s romanticism. 


Abi Smith‘s direction is thoughtful, paying respect to the love letters of old in our digital, WhatsApp, instant messaging world. The idea of Mary and Mietek having to wait for correspondence from one another back then, not knowing when or if they’d hear from one another again, compared to Ben and Alma’s digital means of connecting straight away, puts things into perspective. A sentimental, entertaining watch.

Reviewer -Lucy Basaba is founder of Theatre Full Stop and runs the Theatre and Technology Awards and Pub Theatre Festival. She is a East15 BA (Hons) World Performance graduate.


Juan Lobo

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Juan Lobo

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